Augite A common rock-forming mineral of dark-colored igneous rocks. Augite is a rock-forming mineral that commonly occurs in mafic and intermediate igneous rocks such as basalt , gabbro , andesite , and diorite . It is found in these rocks throughout the world, wherever they occur. Augite is also found in ultramafic rocks and in some metamorphic rocks that form under high temperatures. Augite has a chemical composition of (Ca,Na)(Mg,Fe,Al)(Si,Al) 2 O 6 with many paths of solid solution. Commonly associated minerals include orthoclase , plagioclase , olivine , and hornblende . Augite is the most common pyroxene mineral and a member of the clinopyroxene group. Some people use the names "augite" and "pyroxene" interchangeably, but this usage is strongly discour...
Arsenopyrite Mineral Properties and Uses What is Arsenopyrite? Arsenopyrite is an iron arsenic sulfide mineral with a chemical composition of FeAsS. It is the most abundant arsenic mineral and the primary ore of arsenic metal . In addition to being found in deposits that are large enough to be minable, arsenopyrite is widely distributed. However, it usually occurs in such small amounts and in such small particle sizes that it is easily overlooked. It is associated with other sulfide minerals in organic-rich sedimentary rocks , metamorphic rocks , and igneous rocks in many parts of the world. Geologic Occurrence Much of the arsenopyrite that has been mined formed as a high-temperature mineral in hydrothermal veins. It is often mined, together with other met...